Smart Safety HOOK with proper engagement detection

It is a smart safety device that detects safety harness engagement that provides real-time alerts through sound, light, and wireless communication from the equipment, for tasks like working at heights.

#Enhanced Worker Safety with a Trio of High-Precision Sensors

#Enhanced Emergency Response with Real-Time Monitoring via BLE and LoRa Technologies

#Achieving High Accuracy through AI-Based Worker Behavior Pattern Learning

#Enhanced Sensor Reliability through Machine Learning technology with more than 20,000 Data Points


Promotes a safe working environment during work at height 


Monitors the connection status of the worker's safety harness and provides real-time feedback 


Provides alert signals auditorially and visually to the worker, signaling the potential danger 


Implements through Safety Audits and a systematic licensing system to maximize the effectiveness of S100 HOOK

3D Modeling

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System and method for determining fastening of

smart safety hook

No. 10-2623196

Work safety management system using safety belt unit for

high-place work 

No. US 11.559.706 B2 

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3rd Safety New Technology Contest ‘Gold Prize’

Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (06.10.2020)

K-Safety Innovation Awards fo leading innovation

Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, gyeonggi-do(10.28.2020)

Smart Safety HOOK with proper engagement detection

It is a smart safety device that detects safety harness

engagement that provides real-time alerts through sound,

light, and wireless communication from the equipment,

for tasks like working at heights.

#Enhanced Worker Safety with a Trio of High-Precision Sensors

#Enhanced Emergency Response with Real-Time Monitoring via BLE and LoRa Technologies

#Achieving High Accuracy through AI-Based Worker Behavior Pattern Learning

#Enhanced Sensor Reliability through Machine Learning technology with more than 20,000 Data Points 

Implementation of the IoT-based

smart safety solution, S100 HOOK, increases the rate of harness use by field workers, reduce fatalities from falls, and effectively prevent accidents. 

(With Samsung E&A) 

With GSiL, We look forward 
to hearing from those who 
will contribute to building 
the "Road towards Safety."

Contact Us for Business Inquiries  +         
View the Brochure  +



Promotes a safe working environment during work at height


Monitors the connection status of the worker's safety harness and provides real-time feedback


Provides alert signals auditorially and visually to the worker, signaling the potential danger


Implements through Safety Audits and a systematic licensing system to maximize the effectiveness of S100 HOOK

Detailed Images of S100 HOOK


System and method for determining fastening of smart safety hook

No. 10-2623196

Work safety management system using safety belt unit for high-place work 

No. US 11,559,706 B2 

mobile background

3rd Safety New Technology Contest

‘Gold Prize’

Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (06.10.2020)

K-Safety Innovation Awards fo

 leading innovation

Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, gyeonggi-do(10.28.2020)

Implementation of the IoT-based smart safety solution,

S100 HOOK, increases the rate of harness use by field workers,

reduce fatalities from falls, and effectively prevent accidents. 

(With Samsung E&A) 

With GSiL, 
We look forward to hearing from those who will contribute to building the "Road towards Safety."

Contact Us for Business Inquiries +         View the Brochure +

GSIL Co., Ltd.  CEO Elisha Lee

Seongnam Office : 686, No.523, Cheonggye-ro,

Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Seocho Office : 193, Cheonggyesan-ro, Seocho-gu,

Seoul, Korea

Email : ㅣ Tel : 02-6247-7500

Business Hours : Monday-Friday 09:00am-06:00pm

Copyright 2022 GSIL All rights reserved

GSIL Co., Ltd. CEO   Elisha Lee

Seongnam Office :  686, No.523, Cheonggye-ro, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Seocho Office  : 193, Cheonggyesan-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea

Email : ㅣ Tel : 02-6247-7500ㅣBusiness Hours : Monday-Friday 09:00am - 06:00pm

Copyright 2022 GSIL All rights reserved